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  3. BouwBeurs 2023, Utrecht


BouwBeurs 2023, Utrecht

06/02/2023 - 10/02/2023 - Jaarbeursplein , 3521 AL Utrecht

BouwBeurs 2023, Utrecht


Upcoming Event: BouwBeurs 2023
6-10 February 2023 | Jaarbeurs Utrecht

Terwa will be present at the BouwBeurs 2023 at the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht. BouwBeurs is the biggest construction fair in the Netherlands. This year's edition is about being and remaining future-proof within the construction industry.

The latest techniques, materials and applications are being presented. Furthermore, the themes: digitization, circular transformation and sustainability play a pivot role.

For more information, please visit the BouwBeurs 2023 website.

We hope to see you there!

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Terwa is a company with more than 25 years’ experience in the production of metal components for the construction...

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